XDR Cyber Security Solution

Threat actors are trying to create a solid zero-day impact on your organization. It would be best to rely on sophisticated software to stop an attack of high magnitude. Legacy software is no longer effective because cybercriminals know how to get past them.

Traditional endpoint security solutions are evolved in Extended Detection and Response software. It would be best to use modern security measures to prevent ransomware, malware, crypto-jacking and other attacks.

Today, I plan to share XDR's benefits for your organization. It's essential to know how this tool effectively handles these sophisticated threats. Let's start unwrapping the details of this software below:

XDR Cyber Security

What Is XDR Cyber Security?

It is an extended detection and response solution that integrate many other security products and data sources in one platform. This tool gathers and correlates data from all IT Infrastructure, such as Endpoint, clouds, networks, servers, and emails.

This data is connected and analyzed automatically, and if this system finds any issue, the tool readily contains and stops threats.

Consider this tool as a more holistic and coherent cyber security defence mechanism. Since you control and manage all security systems in one place, you can readily stop the threat, regardless of the target.

What are the Different Benefits of XDR Cyber Security?

Businesses today face unique cybersecurity challenges. The traditional line of defence is inadequate, and you need to extend your protection and coverage through XDR - which benefits your organization in the following manner.

Improve Threat Hunting Process

It is an advanced tool with new artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. This software keeps learning more about threats and quickly identifies brand-new attacks. Your team will no longer need to spend hours detecting threats and dangers lurking around your organization.

Because this tool can automate the threat-hunting process and even simply it by correlating data from all available sources.

Cover All Grounds

You never know what's the exact target of cybercriminals. Some attackers prefer the cloud as it's an easy way to get a ransom. Others get access through a remote Endpoint. Once you have an extended detection and response solution, you can create a strong line of defence around IT Infrastructure.

Now, whether a threat actor targets the cloud, server, or network, your team can spot and prevent this attack immediately. It is because every aspect of your organization has a layer of protection around it. This tool won't offer an easy entry pass to criminals at all.

Advanced Threat Detection

Attackers often target your website, URL, DNS, Emails, etc. In 2022, 3.4 billion phishing attacks were sent by criminals every day. Indeed, it is the most common type of cyber attack.

Thankfully, XDR allows you to monitor your traffic and email.

You can get a live feed of every single activity. As soon as a malicious or unknown attack happens, the system alerts IT admins and readily stops this attack from happening.

In-depth Analysis

Since all the telemetry across multiple domains is collected and correlated, the information from the analysis is perfect and more accurate. In the case of endpoint detection and response solution, the system only focuses on Endpoint detection and ignores cloud, network, and other attack surfaces.

So, EDR may report system is protected while the network is under attack. You won't have to deal with this situation when you get XcitiumXDR. It covers all the threat surfaces. Perform automatic analysis on telemetry to identify, prioritize and prevent threats.

Reduce Alert Fatigue

Do you know that many IT Professionals reported that more than 42 percent of security alerts are false positives?

As soon as you get an alert, you can't afford to overlook it. What if it's your next significant threat? Every in-house cybersecurity team spends more time dealing with false positives and less time with real threats.

Thankfully, XDR can help you decrease these false positives to 80 percent. Since this system collects and correlates telemetry of all domains, it sends more accurate alerts than other systems.

As a result, your team doesn't feel overwhelmed with the alerts and spends their time analyzing the incidents that matter the most.

Boost Productivity and Efficiency

You can use simple security management for your team by relying on an XDR. It's because this tool unifies all the systems in one place. Your team doesn't have to move back and forth. They can rely on one console that allows them to control every other system easily.

Besides, this system helps them manage attacks as well. If you notice any malware on any network, cloud workstation or Endpoint, you can kill the process, stop the malicious code, or uninstall a script with a single click- nothing more is required from your side.

Do you need an XDR Cyber Security Solution?

The answer is yes; your organization can enjoy incredible visibility across all attack surfaces while improving its security posture with efficiency through an XDR. It has become a must-have tool for an organization that needs a holistic defence against sophisticated cyber attacks.

Xcitium Cybersecurity As A Managed Service

Discover End-to-End Zero Trust Security
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Xcitium Client Security - Device
Endpoint Protection + Endpoint Detection & Response

Gain full context of an attack to connect the dots on how hackers are attempting to breach your network with ZeroDwell Containment, EPP, and Next-Gen EDR.

Xcitium MDR - Device
Xcitium Managed SOC - Device
Managed EDR - Detection & Response

We continuously monitor endpoint device activities and policy violations, and provide threat hunting and SOC Services, with 24/7 eyes on glass threat management. Managed SOC services for MSPs and MSSPs.

Xcitium MDR - Network | Cloud
Xcitium Managed SOC - Network | Cloud
Managed Extended Detection & Response

Outsourced Zero Trust managed - security with options for protecting endpoints clouds and/or networks, as well as threat hunting, SOC Services, with 24/7 expert eyes on glass threat management.

Xcitium CNAPP - Cloud Workload Protection

Xcitium's Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) provides automated Zero Trust cloud security for cloud-based applications and cloud workloads, including infrastructure DevOps from code to runtime.

Move Away From Detection With Patented Threat Prevention Built For Today's Challenges.

No one can stop zero-day malware from entering your network, but Xcitium can prevent if from causing any damage. Zero infection. Zero damage.

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