How Does XDR Support Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges?

Do you know that businesses become victims of ransomware attacks every 11 seconds? Sometimes cyberattacks are so damaging that many businesses shut down their operation. Other times, small businesses must pay a breach's high cost. Cybercriminals can attack your email, endpoint, cloud data, or any other surface.

More than installing one security system is required. It would help if you had an advanced solution like an XDR to stop the attack from everywhere. Let's continue reading and know how this platform supports your team.

XDR Support System

It is an advanced-level cybersecurity solution integrating different security tools EDR and data sources into a single console. The system gathers and correlates data from several security layers around endpoint, serves, clouds, network, identify, and emails.

It is a coherent and holistic IT defence system that protects your organization against unauthorized access, common cyberattacks, ransomware, etc.

XDR Support

This system empowers your security team with a tool that enables them to detect, investigate and respond to attacks promptly and efficiently.

Cybersecurity Challenges

It's time to know your team's challenges and how they can overcome them through regular support of the Extended detection and response platform.

Multiple Alerts Cause Fatigue

When different security solutions are installed in your organization's system, your team has to deal with several alerts. An analyst must analyze every signal because the team can't afford to miss any malware attack. As a result, your team spends all day dealing with alerts; some of them are fake threat signals. It is common for a cybersecurity expert to feel exhausted by alerts.

Thankfully, XDR can help you reduce alert fatigue to a great extent. How? Well, this solution unifies all the data from multiple data sources simultaneously. It collects and correlates this data in one place. Since all systems become coherent in one place, you get few alerts and only those that matter.

When your team has XDR support, they can reduce alert fatigue. Their time is well-spent during analysis. They can analyze and respond to a threat on time and efficiently - No more exhaustion or fatigue.

The First Line of Defense isn't Enough

Another big challenge for every organization today is that cybercriminals attack them even when they use the first line of defence, such as firewalls and antivirus. This defence works against a few malware, but this line blurs quickly whenever an attack is of sophisticated nature.

In that scenario, your organization should get an XDR because this system is based on proactive security approaches. Instead of reacting to a threat, you can do better by proactively hunting for threats across all organizational landscapes and preventing an attack.

XDR helps you create a layered security approach. This platform lets you extend protection to multiple domains such as email, identity, endpoint, cloud, IoT, network, and many more. Depending on your organizational need, you can increase or decrease security scope.

When the first line of defence isn't good enough, and cybercriminals cross it, XDR rescues your organization by securing every threat landscape.

You Can't Protect What You Can't See

Remote work culture has broadened the landscape of your organization. When remote workers use multiple devices and locations to connect with your system, you need to go advanced with your cybersecurity approach.

Since too many devices and connections are in the system, your inhouse team can only monitor some of them. So, they cannot detect a threat when they can't see a gadget or machine.

Thankfully, when your team has XDR support, they can easily overcome this challenge. This platform brings a single console that lets your team enjoy significant visibility across the attack surface.

Once your team opens this dashboard, they can quickly identify malicious attacks and activity attempts on your cloud, endpoint, email or any other surface. Since they can see all attack surfaces, they can better stop and prevent the attack on them.

Cost of Ownership

The SOC team has a limited budget but has an extensive landscape to protect. It is another challenge because they can only invest in some solutions. And without advanced tools, the workload of the in-house team increases. You must sign up for their license if you get separate security systems. It increases the cost of ownership.

When the budget is limited and domains are multiple, XDR is undoubtedly an ideal cybersecurity solution. You get a unified security stack that includes all the security products that offer complete protection to the entire IT Infrastructure. Since you use all products from the same vendor, you won't have to get separate licenses.

Your overall cost of ownership decreases while you get better protection against zero-day attacks, ransomware, APTs, and phishing attack than before.

Do you need an XDR Security?

When you have a limited budget and require complete IT Infrastructure protection from advanced threats, XDR is undoubtedly the best threat detection and response solution you can get. It reduces workload and alert fatigue through automated analysis and response. This proactive security approach lets your enterprise stop attack before they cause any damage or zero-day.

XDR Solutions

Discover End-to-End Zero Trust Security
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Xcitium Client Security - Device
Endpoint Protection + Endpoint Detection & Response

Gain full context of an attack to connect the dots on how hackers are attempting to breach your network with ZeroDwell Containment, EPP, and Next-Gen EDR.

Xcitium MDR - Device
Xcitium Managed SOC - Device
Managed EDR - Detection & Response

We continuously monitor endpoint device activities and policy violations, and provide threat hunting and SOC Services, with 24/7 eyes on glass threat management. Managed SOC services for MSPs and MSSPs.

Xcitium MDR - Network | Cloud
Xcitium Managed SOC - Network | Cloud
Managed Extended Detection & Response

Outsourced Zero Trust managed - security with options for protecting endpoints clouds and/or networks, as well as threat hunting, SOC Services, with 24/7 expert eyes on glass threat management.

Xcitium CNAPP - Cloud Workload Protection

Xcitium's Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) provides automated Zero Trust cloud security for cloud-based applications and cloud workloads, including infrastructure DevOps from code to runtime.

Move Away From Detection With Patented Threat Prevention Built For Today's Challenges.

No one can stop zero-day malware from entering your network, but Xcitium can prevent if from causing any damage. Zero infection. Zero damage.

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