Webinar Why Endpoint Protections Keep Failing Against Cyber Attacks
Traditional endpoint security technologies, (anti-virus, detection, etc.) are failing to keep up with the innovation and aggression of hackers. Join Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, CISO of Xcitium and world-renowned cybersecurity expert and author as he discusses the current state of endpoint protection, its blind spots, and the danger inherent in using a list of known malware, blocking those files, and letting everything not on that list into your network to execute at will.
Dr. Ozyaka will cover:
- The evolving nature of attacks and how adversaries are innovating to stay ahead of protection technologies
- The blind spots that exist in traditional endpoint protection
- Examples of attacks that succeeded in bypassing traditional endpoint protection solutions
- The hidden danger of relying on the endpoint protection default-allow status quo
- The pitfalls of legacy default-deny practices
Don’t despair, Dr. Ozkaya will also present easy-to-implement technologies and practices in the zero-trust space, that can move endpoint security to the next level – leapfrogging the hackers. He’ll show how to achieve default-deny protection with a default-allow user experience. It’s easier than you might think.