With the advent of new vulnerabilities and threats every day, how do you tighten your endpoint cyber security?

Conventional security solutions, such as antivirus programs, firewalls, and VPNs may have worked in the past in protecting an organization’s network. They were relied upon to keep sensitive information safe, prevent unauthorized access to IT systems, and fight against malicious programs and other vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are becoming more and more innovative in coming up with new techniques to evade traditional security measures. This is especially true for organizations that continue to adopt mobile applications and cloud services.

Endpoints are remote computing devices that transmit data between a network and where it is connected. Some examples of endpoints include:

  • Desktops
  • Laptops
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Servers
  • Workstations
  • Internet-of-things (IoT) devices
Endpoint Cyber Security

Although these devices are essential to a business’s daily operations, they can also serve as vulnerable points of entry for cybercriminals. If left unprotected, attackers would take the opportunity and use the endpoints to overthrow an organization’s IT system. From hereon, cybercriminals are free to meet objectives, such as:

  • Using an endpoint as a portal to access high-value resources and information
  • Utilizing exposed assets to exfiltrate or hold hostage—either for ransom or disruption
  • Taking control of the device and using it to start a DoS attack

Endpoint Cybersecurity

Endpoint cyber security is the practice of safeguarding endpoints so they don’t become points of access to an organization’s network or become points of entry for malicious actors. This approach consists of several security solutions that aim to ward off threats originating from on-premises or remote devices.

Endpoint cyber security can also help you guarantee endpoint compliance with data security standards. This means you’ll be able to maintain greater control over the increasing number and kind of access points to your network.

Why is Cyber Security Important?

An endpoint cyber security strategy is crucial in today’s digital landscape since all remote endpoints can be the entry point for an attack. This is particularly true if you are operating in remote work. There is also the factor of bring your own device (BYOD) policies, which may create multiple endpoint vulnerabilities.

As such, security must be kept tight around access points. This is to prevent vulnerabilities from arising by taking advantage of remote devices. If you have shifting security perimeters that lack a clear definition, now is the time to create new layers of protection through endpoint cyber security.

How Does Endpoint Security Work?

Endpoint cyber security works by sifting through files, processes, and system activities for suspicious or malicious indicators. This can be done through a centralized management console, which you can use to monitor, safeguard, investigate and respond to incidents. You can do this either with an on-premise, hybrid, or cloud approach.

Implementing endpoint cyber security the traditional way means you’ll have to depend on a locally hosted data center where security is delivered. The data center serves as the hub for the management platform to connect with the endpoints to provide security.

However, if you have just shifted to a work-from-home setup, a “hybrid” approach could be a better solution. This option works on a legacy architecture design and retrofitting it for the cloud to achieve and execute cloud capabilities.

You may also want to consider a “cloud-native” solution where you can remotely keep track of and manage endpoints. This can be achieved through a centralized management platform that lives in the cloud and remotely reaches out to devices with the use of an agent on the endpoint.

What Makes a Good Endpoint Cyber Security?

Having a defense-in-depth approach to endpoint cyber security is essential to get rid of gaps, minimize attack surfaces and contain threats. A complete endpoint cyber security strategy must be comprised of the following key protection and management measures:

1. Endpoint Detection and Response

Using EDR tools is important to proactively pinpoint and monitor suspicious activity on endpoint devices. Look for EDR solutions that continuously monitor, record, and examine endpoint events to help you efficiently identify and mitigate advanced threats.

2. Antivirus

Instead of traditional AV solutions, go with a next-generation antivirus protection program that can identify, prevent, and remove different kinds of malware. This is done by leveraging analytics and machine learning to fight against cutting-edge attacks including ransomware and advanced phishing.

3. Operating System Patching

Implementing this ensures that common vulnerabilities and exposure are mitigated.

If you wish to create a solid endpoint cyber security perimeter, Xcitium can help. We can provide you with complete, end-to-end endpoint cyber security solutions, such as:

  • Endpoint Protection Platform
  • Advanced Endpoint Breach Protection
  • Endpoint Detection and Response
  • 24-hour Managed Detection and Response

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