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Cybersecurity technologies usually fail to keep up with the pace of changes in the threat landscape. In fact, antivirus protection is no longer enough to protect businesses from emerging threats.

Fortunately, as malware authors develop more sophisticated threats, cybersecurity products like Active EDR (endpoint detection and response) are ready to combat them.

Active EDR does more than detect and remove known viruses and malware. Learn more about how it can help businesses’ cybersecurity strategies here.

How Active EDR Started?

Artificial information technology gave birth to innovative solutions like EDR. Products like EPP (endpoint protection platform) have also made their way into the cybersecurity market. EPP uses an agent to detect and remove file-based malware. In turn, it uses AI to study and find similarities between existing malware and emerging ones without updating a local agent.

However, malware authors found a way around EPP solutions. They developed fileless malware, memory-based malware, or lateral movement. They gained even more ground when NSA leaks made the country’s malware technology accessible to cybercriminals. It meant businesses must look for a better cybersecurity tool.

Active EDR

EDR tools were developed as a replacement for EPP. They allow businesses to have a better perspective of what’s going on in their IT network. They make the corporate network more visible.

Nevertheless, Active EDR also has its share of problems. It improves network visibility, but it also needs skilled IT staff.

Expert security analysts must comb through a huge volume of data that how Active EDR Works and is generated. They must know how to contextualize and use the data to address threats. The problem lies in the lack of skilled cyber analysts to make use of the data.

There is also the issue of delayed detection because of EDR’s cloud-based nature. All of EDR’s problems gave way to the creation of Active EDR.

How Active EDR Works?

Companies accumulate vast amounts of data. But since every endpoint needs to be monitored, it’s hard to keep track of all of them.

Loads of virus and malware detection alerts mean more security staff are needed. However, not all businesses have the capacity to fill their security teams with enough staff. They still need the right number of analysts to contextualize reports about the devices’ activities, spot threats, and mitigate these threats immediately.

Active EDR was developed to serve as a device’s skilled analyst. It works almost like an EDR solution, but it is not dependent on the cloud to detect threats. It was designed to shorten dwell time, the time between infection and detection. Active EDR works with AI to decide whether a file is harmful or not without using cloud connectivity.

Active EDR works fast and mitigates threats in real-time. If a user downloads a malicious file and executes it, it causes the anti-virus protection to kick in. It then deletes local backups and encrypts data stored on the drive.

Active EDR works on contextualizes data so it recognizes what that file is and mitigates the threat at run time before initiating encryption. Contextualization helps remove the threat from the affected areas all the way to the threat’s origin, thanks to TrueContext ID.

The full story surrounding the data that Active EDR analyzes is then sent to the IT admins and security analysts for better threat detection in the future.

Benefits for Active EDR Security Analysts

Businesses that use Active EDR help security analysts save time instead of going through volumes of threat detection alerts and contextualizing the data they received.

TrueContext ID creates the story behind the data. It leaves the security analysts free to focus on studying contextualized stories. TrueContext ID also gives them more time to understand what’s happening on the device and find the origin of the threat.

Active EDR responds to threats in real-time. It does not give them enough opportunities to infect a device, cause harm, and remove their tracks. It boosts the power of security teams to mitigate threats that matter, save time, and get context about the massive amount of data they usually get.

How Xcitium Can Help Active EDR?

Xcitium knows that Active EDR is the future of endpoint protection. If you are looking for advanced EDR technology, you can tap us for help. We can provide you with enterprise-wide protection by providing fileless malware detection to cyberattack investigations.

Xcitium’s Active EDR solution provides intelligent file analysis, granular endpoint detection, attack chain visualization, SIEM integration, fileless threat detection, and expert human analysis, among others. Contact Xcitium today to learn more about how our EDR products can help you!

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