Why your Organization Needs Cortex XDR? Explained

Every organization has been dealing with cyber attacks. Regardless of the scale and size of your business, your IT Infrastructure remains exposed to cyber criminals. And the best way to create a strong defense EDR against rising malware, ransomware, APTs, and other threats is to invest in leading XDR solutions such as Cotex XDR.

Let's continue reading and find out:

Cortex XDR

Why Does Your Organization Need Cortex XDR?

Here are three main reasons your business should get this Extended Detection and Response.

#1 Complete Endpoint Protection

According to expert insights, more than 67 percent of organizations experience one or more endpoint attacks. It is an alarming number indeed. So, to protect your endpoint, you should opt for Cortex XDR.

This platform is designed to create a strong security shield around your endpoint. It is integrated with Artificial intelligence, cloud-basis analysis, and behavior analysis tools. As a result, if it finds any malicious attack and activity in your endpoint EDR, it will readily contain and stop it.

When blocking advanced-level file-less, malware attacks, and ransomware across endpoints, you can't find a better option than Palo Alto XDR.

#2 Laser-Accurate Threat Detection

Another push for your organization to consider this platform is its top-level threat detection feature. This system is designed with patented behavior analytics, and it analyzes the behavior of every file, activity, and traffic in your organizational ecosystem.

Machine learning profiles the behavioral and everyday activities of the system. So, it creates a baseline for XDR. When malicious activity is detected, it's compared with the baseline to spot adversaries. Cybercriminals won't be able to hide in the system or initiate an advanced persistent threat.

#3 Quick Investigation and Response

You can perform root cause analysis and investigation through this XDR platform by Cortex. Since it correlates data from cross-domain, you can get a complete picture and threat context in no time.

Once you finish the investigation, you can respond to a threat with a single click. It allows you to kill a process, uninstall a malicious script, quarantine a host, or isolate it. Whatever the right action plan is, you can take it right from this console.

Benefits of Cortex XDR

Here are some benefits your organization can get from installing Palo Alto XDR

Stop Sophisticated threats

Today, your organizations are exposed to countless cyber threats such as crypto-jacking, DDoS, email phishing, ransomware, etc. Cybercriminals are pretty savvy; they know how to change a code of existing malware to create a new version- which your legacy system can't detect. For example, antivirus is based on signature-based detection. Once this signature is changed, they can't catch a threat - which is a problem.

And the best solution is undoubtedly Palo Alto XDR- it offers signature-less protection. Meaning this software is integrated with behavior learning. It can evaluate the behavior of a malicious file quickly and thereby stop sophisticated threats in no time.

No more Blindspots

When your organization relies on multiple security products, you can get granular protection. For example, email security software can only protect mailboxes- it won't secure your endpoints. Besides, data from one domain won't be correlated with another, so you won't know what's happening at another place if an attack happens at one place. So, there will be multiple blind spots- which you can't afford to have in your system.

As you know, cybercriminals exploit these blindspots and make them their favorite entry points. So, if you want to eliminate these blindspots, you need complete visibility. Fortunately, you can look into every single domain through a single console.

Simply Security Operation

When your system isn't correlated, your security team must spend hours stitching together an incident. Now you can cut this time to respond to an attack through Cortex-XDR. This solution is designed to simplify your security operation to a great extent.

All the data is collected at a centralized dashboard, and then threat context and information are translated into everyday language. So your team can understand what's happening and where.

They can investigate the high-risk attack at first and respond to it quickly by checking the complete timeline of an incident- which Cortex XDR provides.

Improve SOC Efficiency

This platform consolidates tools at one point. You won't need to pay separate license costs for multiple security products. You pay the price of your console that brings all the tools. Your team doesn't have to deal with various alerts. So their work burden reduces.

They can harness the power of this cloud-based platform that uses artificial intelligence and analytics to detect and prevent attacks quickly.

Cortex XDR- Final Thoughts

Your organization can detect and stop advanced threats quickly and efficiently through XDR by Palo Alto Network. This platform offers a single dashboard to control the security of your endpoints, emails, identities, cloud workstations, and network. Thereby, you hardly encounter any zero-day attack or ransomware.

Cortex XDR Service

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