Want to have an epiphany? Visit your Town Dump!
All across America and throughout many other areas of the industrialized world, a casual tour of the local recycling center, garbage depot or land fill provides you with a surprising revelation these days. Inevitably, piled high enough to rival an Egyptian pyramid, you now find discarded computers. Hundreds of them. All shapes, sizes, colors and ages. Why?
Is it because millions of us cast off last year’s PC in favor of this year’s upgrade, each and every year?…In THIS economy?! Hardly. Then maybe it’s because we’ve all concluded the computer is just a passing fad?…Nah. An eight-track tape player the PC ain’t! Or could it be because Carpal Tunnel Syndrome now afflicts more people than the Common Cold?…Dream on, litigious larcenists!
No. The predominate reason why town dumps are turning into PC graveyards is because each year, millions of us conclude that we’ve broken our desktop, laptop or netbook.
Okay, ready? Here comes your epiphany: Most of the computers so many of us toss out at the dump because they crashed chronically, crept to a crawl continually, suffered blue screen blues bi-weekly or lost or deteriorated files, photos or play lists repeatedly…..WEREN’T BROKEN !
They were just wounded. (Infected, to be precise.) And crying out, “Save Me!”……..NOT, “Dump Me.”
While retail computer giants are only too happy to sell you a costly new PC every year – after all, they ship more than 200 million desktops alone to stores in US markets annually – our communal conclusion that we constantly break our computers and need new ones is erroneous! The fact is, as the first decade of the 21st Century came to a close, it became evident that it was the proliferation of VIRUSES that caused the vast majority of computers to appear broken. And caused millions of us to become so dejected that we bought them one way tickets to Dumpsville.
“But,” you’re now thinking, “even if my last computer was a victim of viruses, and not something I did to cause it to freeze and crash all the time, the damage was done. That PC was so problem plagued, I had to throw it out!”
Possibly. Yet a decade of statistics now reveals that it’s more likely your trip to the Dump was unnecessary. But rather than cry over spilt milk, let’s simply try not to spill any more in the future. How? By taking the following steps:
FIRST: Accept the fact that today, most computers are designed to cope with the foolish or abusive things users subject them to. But what most computers can’t cope with is the dissolute army of cyber-thugs who gleefully launch more than 50,000 new and increasingly sophisticated viruses onto the Web every single DAY!
SECOND: Accept the fact that the Internet just isn’t the pristine field of daisies it once was. These days, every time you set foot on it – even if it’s just to read an email, peruse some news, pay a bill or tweet – your computer MUST have antivirus protection and the failsafe support of a team of ace online problem solvers.
Don’t be depressed. Be elated. You’ve just read a colloquial summary of two of the founding principals behind current Xcitium Internet Security Strategy. – The strategy that’s yielded the unique, patent-pending technology that Matousec (the most rigorous tester of Internet Security Software in existence) has designated No.1 for three years running. The technology embodied in Xcitium Internet Security Pro 2012.
With Xcitium Internet Security Pro 2012 installed on your PC, the frustrating array of problems that may well have triggered the demise of your past computers just won’t happen. Big claim? Sure. So let me give you five support points that are just as big.
Right now, Xcitium Internet Security Pro 2012 with GeekBuddy is available for just $17.99 a year.
Which makes it the one thing that’s even better than an epiphany.
A bargain!
Xcitium. Science Not Hype.
– Glenn Scheuer
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