Who Creates And Spreads Ransomware?

Who Creates And Spreads Ransomware?

11 Oct, 2022 | Editorial Team

While we may think of the online world as a safe and nice place of fun and recreation, the reality is very far from it. We are surrounded by constant and ever-present threats online. We must be careful about how we use our gadgets and devices. It is important that we become curious about the latest trends and events that may affect our digital lives.

One way to equip ourselves from the dangers of malware and cyberattacks is to ask the question of who is behind ransomware. Knowing this would help us understand the threat better thereby allowing us to take better precautions.

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware refers to any kind of malicious malware that asks ransom from users in exchange for the data encrypted by the hackers. In some instances, hackers would gain control of the device thereby locking out the users. They would then ask for ransom so that the user can gain back control of their device.

One kind of ransomware is wannacry ransomware. This ransomware attack targets Microsoft Office operating systems. Files stored in their computers are encrypted which can only be decrypted through a program created by the hackers. Ransomware attacks have become destructive in the past years. It is understandable then for users to ask who is behind ransomware viruses. Users are interested to know where these threats are coming from and whether they can be ended by government agencies or private companies.

Threats Posed By Ransomware

A ransomware attack threatens the privacy of affected individuals. In the case of wannacry ransomware, users could lose files and documents stored in their computer system. This would mean that the private lives of the people are exposed to criminals. Aside from stealing your data and asking you ransom in exchange for them, they can also use such data for other scam and fraudulent activities.

Wannacry ransomware targets Microsoft Windows operating system. This means that the entire computer system might be at risk. Without paying the ransom, you could no longer use your device and other programs installed in it. For users, this means additional expenses and costs to bear. Some of those users do not have enough money to purchase a new gadget or device.

Aside from individual users, companies are also affected by ransomware. Meanwhile, in the case of organizations and businesses, ransomware has been costing them millions of money in the past years. The threats of ransomware continue to exist until this day. Hence, it is truly significant to seek who is behind ransomware.

So, Who Is Behind Ransomware?

It is important for users to understand that there are different kinds or variants of ransomware. Up to this day, there are groups or individuals that continue to create ransomware viruses. They may be funded by terrorist organizations or by radical intellectual groups. One thing is certain, they are good at hiding their identity.

Given this, it is valid to ask the question “who is behind ransomware.” Experts believe that each type of ransomware virus is created by one group or party. There have been reports that North Korea is one of the groups behind ransomware. But, these claims remain speculation. Up to this day, there are no concrete reports identifying who is behind ransomware.

What To Do To Avoid Ransomware?

It is not enough that we answer the question of who is behind ransomware. We must also know ways on how to avoid ransomware attacks from happening to our devices and computer systems. One way to protect ourselves is to learn how to update our operating systems. This is to download and install any security patch released by OS companies like Windows or Apple.

Also, we have to back up our data in order to minimize the risk of losing files in case of ransomware attacks. People would not need to pay a ransom just to recover their decrypted files. Probably the best way to avoid ransomware is to install an anti-malware that filters out suspicious files and programs. Anti-malware and antivirus applications would help users discern which files are safe to run. In case of a wannacry download, users will be notified that a malware entered their computer system.

For some, buying online protection such as anti-virus programs can be expensive. But in reality, it is better to invest in anti-malware instead of paying the expensive price of ransomware damage and threats.

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