Latest Xcitium CyberSecurity and Zero Threat News

How Can Ransomware Spread?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 785 Views

How Can Ransomware Spread?

Many years ago, in 1989, precisely—a seminar organized by the world health organization witnessed...

How To Remove Viruses From Your Computer?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 2761 Views

How To Remove Viruses From Your Computer?

When your PC is infected with a foreign body, it would show up the following signs and symptoms...

What Is A Vulnerability Assessment?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 21074 Views

What Is A Vulnerability Assessment?

Vulnerability Assessment Definition: The name suggests is the process of recognizing, analyzing,...

What Is Zeus Malware?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 3260 Views

What Is Zeus Malware?

Zeus malware (a Trojan Horse malware) is also known as Zeus virus or Zbot. This malware runs on...

How To Remove CryptoLocker Ransomware?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 1106 Views

How To Remove CryptoLocker Ransomware?

It is no doubt that ransomware and its many variants have become a nuisance to our digital online...

What Is Firewall Security?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 2215 Views

What Is Firewall Security?

Firewall Definition: In the computing world, the terminology firewall security refers to a network...

How Fast Does Ransomware Work?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 4104 Views

How Fast Does Ransomware Work?

It is no longer news that ransomware is presently one of the most troublesome and challenging...

Why Endpoint Security Matters Risky To IT?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 949 Views

Why Endpoint Security Matters Risky To IT?

Most security groups work under the conviction that rapid remediation an episode levels with...

Is Ransomware On The Rise?
Editorial Team 10 Oct, 2022 675 Views

Is Ransomware On The Rise?

The WannaCry attack announced to the general audience a new threat—ransomware. With the damages...
