How Do Endpoint Security Management Operate?

How Do Endpoint Security Management Operate?

11 Oct, 2022 | Editorial Team

Understanding Endpoint Security Management

Organizations contain sensitive or important data. This data is usually accessed by their respective employees using several devices. Some of which might be company-owned and others employee-owned. Whatever the case, protecting this enterprise data across various devices becomes important for them. To accomplish this, enterprises employ what is known as endpoint security management systems.

One Solution For Protecting Several Endpoints

To protect corporate data against various employee devices (or endpoints as they are called) enterprises need to “regulate” the manner in which these devices access the corporate data. In other words, enterprises need to define “security rules or policies” which will ensure employees gain access to the corporate data without creating any holes in the network which can lead to hacking.

This policy-based approach to network security requiring endpoint devices to comply with specific criteria before they are granted access to the network’s resources is known as endpoint security management.

How Do Endpoint Security Management Systems Operate?

Endpoint management systems operate on a client/server model where the server hosts security program and the clients (network devices) subscribing to this security program are also installed with what is known as the client program. Whenever the clients connect to the network, the server validates these devices by checking for the user credentials and scanning the devices to ensure they comply with the established corporate security policy before allowing them access to the network.

The Pressing Need For Endpoint Security Or Protection Today

Enterprises of today are in need of endpoint security management solutions more than ever because of the influx of employee-owned devices that are gaining access to the corporate data. And considering the advantages these employee-centric programs like BYOD offer – allowing them to work from anywhere and thus improving organization’s productivity – the demand for endpoint security solutions for protecting enterprise data is only going to increase in the near future.

What Do Endpoint Security Or Protection Tools Contain?

To put it simply, endpoint security tools are usually a “combination of security tools like antimalware software, firewalls, vulnerability assessment tools, host-based intrusion detection/prevention systems” etc. They are to an enterprise network what antivirus software is to a personal computer. And the difference is that these endpoint security tools offer wider coverage than antivirus packages.

Secures Devices (Endpoints) Against Physical Threats As Well

One of the biggest threats mobile devices used to connect to a network face is that of falling into the wrong hands or getting lost. A proper and efficient endpoint security management system can tackle this issue as well by assisting enterprises to the lock down or remote wipe such stolen or lost devices. Therefore endpoint security solutions can safeguard enterprises from physical threats as well.

Do All Enterprises Need Endpoint Security?

It entirely depends on how enterprises manage their corporate data. That is the number of endpoints they might allow into their networks. And obviously, the more they allow, the more would be the need for securing the endpoints. On the other hand, if they decide to impose a total restriction upon employee devices, then there won’t be any need for endpoint security tools. But such a situation is no longer possible – with the influx of various types of portable devices – and therefore almost every enterprise, no matter how big or small, needs some form of endpoint security.

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