How Endpoint Security Can Prevent Cybercriminal Activity
How Endpoint Security Can Prevent Cybercriminal Activity
11 Oct, 2022 | Editorial Team

Is It Possible To Build A Robust Endpoint Protection System?

The security-threat landscape is evolving at a rapid speed. The security measures which are effective today may not be so tomorrow. Under such circumstances, one question which has long remained unanswered is: what needs to go into an endpoint protection or security system to make it robust enough to successfully counter today’s security threats? And also whether it is possible to create such a foolproof robust endpoint protection system in the first place?

The answer seems to be emerging in the form of converged endpoint security. Modern endpoint security systems are expected to focus more on detection and response rather than just being a traditional antimalware and antispyware tools like they used to be a while ago. But converged

endpoint security is much more than an EDR (endpoint detection and response system).

Converged Endpoint Security? What Is It?

Converged endpoint security system is a system which can think on its own and offer valuable suggestions to SOC analysts (security operations center) who, based on these suggestions, can do some important decision-making. The first converged endpoint security system was released only recently in the market.

Not Just Analytics-Driven Data, But Valuable Recommendations

According to Gartner, the world’s leading research and advisory company, converged endpoint security systems are not just analytics-driven but also provide verdicts and recommended actions to SOC analysts. Whether to initiate these automated responses/actions or not is left for the SOC analysts to decide. Therefore human control factor is still there, although the system just got better.

Converged Endpoint Security Still Has A Long Way To Go

Yes, the world’s first converged endpoint security system has emerged. A system which is not only going to alert SOC analysts but offer automated recommendations and verdicts as well. But it’s too early to predict the impact it might have on enterprise networks. Therefore it can be safely assumed that converged endpoint security system is in the development stage and has a long way to go. But there’s no doubt that this system is an improvement over the currently prevailing security system.

Moreover, the attempt to make endpoint security systems more human-friendly is something which has been long due. Believe it or not, the makers of the first converged endpoint security are suggesting that this system will be able to answer questions like ‘Is the network being attacked by ransomware? Has the ransomware been successfully prevented? Or is it still present in the network?’.


So, is it possible to build a robust endpoint protection system that defies various forms of hacking? The answer may seem elusive as of now but we are definitely inching towards the solution. Because just as the hacking community is not giving up, so is the security community which has come up with the unique idea of taking endpoint security to the next level through converged endpoint security.

But one thing’s certain. Combating the dynamic and diverse capabilities of cybercriminals will be a lot easier with converged endpoint security solutions. The only thing which remains to be seen is how – and whether – the entire security community embraces this new and improved version of the old technology.

See Also:

What is Endpoint Security
What is a Trojan Horse

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