Endpoint protection or endpoint security are two words which receive a lot of attention from the security community. They have become crucial to IT-driven enterprises and is one of the most sought-after security products in the cybersecurity market. So what exactly is endpoint security? How does it protect enterprises? What are the advantages it offers? Here we try to answer all these questions.
What is Endpoint? Endpoint definition means a point sitting on the edge. The point being referred to here are mobile devices like laptop, smartphone, tablets etc., and edge refers to the edge of the network. In other words, the mobile devices which can connect to a network from outside are known as endpoints. And since these mobile devices represent the last layer of the network (though located outside of the network, they are still part of it), they are termed as endpoints.
Therefore, simply put, any mobile device that has access to connect to a network from the outside is known as an endpoint.
The process of protecting computer networks of remotely connected client devices is called Endpoint Security or Endpoint Protection. Endpoint devices include laptops, tablets, mobile phones and other wireless devices on the corporate networks. Endpoint protection tries to ensure that all devices connected on the corporate network follow a certain level of compliance to standards.
Endpoints or mobile devices when they are given the capability to connect to a network pose considerable danger to it, just like an outsider poses danger to any community. Therefore the network needs to be protected against these endpoints. And the process of securing these endpoints is known as endpoint security.
Endpoint security centers around 2 crucial elements: i) securing the network against the endpoints and ii) securing the endpoints themselves so that these endpoints which have been given access to the network don’t unintentionally end up affecting the network security. For this reason, endpoint security usually follows a client-server architecture, where the server continuously monitors all the clients (installed in each and every endpoint which is to be managed) to ensure the network’s security as well as the security of the endpoints.
Antivirus is a part of endpoint security which is basically a collection of several security products whereas antivirus is a single stand-alone product. In other words, endpoint security is security tool which covers many security aspects and has multiple levels to it which can be regulated as per the security requirements of the enterprise that implement them. Antivirus software is usually used for protecting home PC(s) and is not sufficient to protect enterprises.
The explosion of mobile devices like laptops, smartphones, tablets etc., has made it impossible for enterprises to survive without offering a mobile workforce option to the employees. Moreover, the benefits of offering a mobile workforce are just too many to be ignored altogether. Therefore enterprises have little choice but to embrace the endpoint security technology if they are to prosper.
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