80% Of Companies Are Risking Data Security In Cloud Computing  

80% Of Companies Are Risking Data Security In Cloud Computing  

05 Apr, 2024 | Editorial Team

Modern technology that has helped us evolve should not be a reason for our downfall. There can be many scenarios and situations where tech inventions may have disappointed us. But it doesn’t mean that humans are unblessed by crazy ideas of developing tech visions into reality.

The discussion point should not revolve around blaming the technology but our ignorance of all these occurring issues and coming up with the best debugging ideas. Likewise, how can we work together and catch those who are misusing technologies to hack our systems or answer all the issues happening for data security in cloud computing, endpoint, and other technologies?

Yes! The revelation that 80% of companies are risking data security in cloud computing is true; thus, the highlight of drowning stats doesn’t end here. Scroll down and learn more about breached data security in cloud computing and daily used endpoints.

Data Security in Cloud Computing

Around 88% Of Security Breaches Are Caused By Human Error 

Technologies may have massive flaws, but human errors have always been more catastrophic than faults of digital inventions. We as daily digital platform users, business entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, and part-time contractors are filled with imperfection. Therefore, targeting a machine or online cloud for security breaches may look childish, because 88% human error stats speak everything.

If we just leave behind the researched info about 80% of companies are risking their data security in cloud computing, then there are many areas that need proper observation. Likewise, why has the rate of human errors increased throughout the years? Maybe we lack awareness or are just careless about the utilization and security of adopted technologies.

Why not just go with some other unbelievable stats about cybercrimes that are becoming a reason for system breaches and data theft?

90% Of Cyber Attacks Start With Phishing Traps 

Phishing traps don’t mean business email attacks but the major target for phishing traps can be your daily used emails. Most common cybercrimes such as spear phishing, whaling, and BEC attacks are considered the most successful ones.   

The 90% of phishing traps don’t include the blame on adopted technologies, we humans who get into the honey-webs of cybercriminals. As they smartly excite or alarm us through email, quishing, advertising, and other techniques to get to our classified data.

Moreover, how can we satisfy our doubts like how financial scamming is happening to people and who is sharing data with cyber attackers? In simple, the first is the open vulnerabilities of data security in cloud computing, endpoints, and companies’ networks. Secondly, it’s the honeypots that we get ourselves trapped in.

70% of Data Breaches Starts With Endpoint Exploits 

Can anyone describe the utilization of daily used endpoints in a working organization? There is only one word for it: unstoppable. Endpoint exploits happen due to visible vulnerabilities. All the open weak points uncover themselves due to not updated software, weak firewalls, faulty files, and the massive availability of worms and spyware in the systems.

The exploration of employees under the guided policy is necessary to keep the interfaces of endpoints secured. The protection of endpoints ultimately safeguards the available classified information. So, the express of 70% of data breaches due to endpoints convey the alarms of securing your daily employed technologies.

Around 45% of Breaches Are Cloud-Based 

This stat simply means that along with the universal threat of data security in cloud computing, there are other various factors that lead to breaches on cloud networks. For instance, companies hire cloud network providers to get storage to secure their calcified information. And every cyber breach through various channels will automatically reach out to the cloud network to steal what matters the most for the majority of workplaces backed up in digital storage.

Cloud-based breaches do cost so much of the companies. MDR providers and MSSPs are serving their clients with powerful protection for data security in cloud computing. Yes! Human errors can be targeted here but some other internal matters must have boosted that percentage up to 45% of cloud-based breaches.


How Not To Risk Data Security In Cloud Computing  

Even though the search engine is filled with numerous technical guides only an expert cloud computing security provider can offer the best consultancy. However, here are five areas where companies can work and secure their cloud network.

Awareness About Data Security In Cloud Computing Is Important 

The workforce of the organizations has to come on board and collaborate in learning about data security in cloud computing. Hence, just following enterprises’ guided policies and obeying all industrial compliance can help business companies have the best cloud network security advantage.

Ignorance Of Industrial Compliance & Govt Guidelines Is More Risky 

No matter how big or small the business enterprise is, every person serving, profit earning, and classified data storing firm will need to entertain all the industrial compliance and other suggested advice from the officials. As it saves companies from legal complications.

Secured Cloud Network Access & Credential Security Plays Bigger Role 

It is necessary to have knowledge about the utilization of your public, private, or hybrid cloud network. Meaning companies should know who has access and is the password and other sensitive credentials for the cloud are under end-to-end protection or not.

You Should Have Confidence In Cloud Computing Service Providers 

Confidence in your cloud network partner means understanding every offered service from your digital storage provider. Mediocre cloud security, regular system hacks, and blasts of DoS raise the alarming signs for switching your cloud computing service provider.

Supportive Ally Of Managed Cloud Security With Only Work Out Here 

Apart from acknowledging flaws in the system discussed above, companies must require an action plan. In today’s time, enterprises can only trust MSSPs who offer managed cloud security and IT monitoring services. Considering an IT security ally can be an evolving element for an organization looking for the best way out from cloud-based breaches.

Here Is What Xcitium Got For You  

Xcitium can be your convenient MSSPs and SOC partner to cater to all the requirements for expert data security in cloud computing and endpoint devices. Hey business enthusiasts and global success achievers, don’t you want to know what we offer in our patented managed IT and cybersecurity solutions? If yes, then reach out to us right now!


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