Want To Secure Cloud Computing? Here Are The Top Challenges You May Face
Want To Secure Cloud Computing? Here Are The Top Challenges You May Face
06 May, 2024 | Editorial Team

The invention of cloud computing was another step towards digitalization, and now every year we are seeing a rapid evolution in cloud networks. Hence, we must understand that cloud networks can also face an outer danger that exploits and damages users’ presence.   

The digital sphere exploiters won’t leave any online mark that can be exploited, even our cloud network. Meaning, securing cloud computing can’t be easy if your network is the target of online troublemakers: anonymous hackers.  

No! Securing cloud computing won’t be child’s play for you or any other cybersecurity leader. Therefore, you must learn about the face-off challenges before securing your cloud computing network. In simple, it just takes hiring the right managed IT security partner to be free from all the cloud computing hurdles. Hence, there should be insightful points to share for those who want to shape their digital shape free from malware on their own. Likewise, these top challenges while securing cloud networks are shared below. 

Top 8 Challenges Users Can Face While Securing Their Cloud Networks 

Firstly, users will require help from the best of the best in their journey for securing cloud computing networks. It indicates you can’t stop cyber attackers from entering your cloud network by just downloading an EDR or cloud-protecting software unless your cybersecurity partner is a globally renowned brand.

Additionally, there can be plenty of challenges to encounter if the goal is to sustain your cloud computing security defense. However, we must discuss the most common yet destructive challenges that may emerge on a daily basis. So, scroll down and learn about them here.   

Already Exploited Cloud Network 

The already exploited cloud network means, having a digital storage filled with vulnerabilities. Sometimes users are provided with exploited public cloud networks that are vulnerable to cybercriminals.

Exasperated users trying their best to secure the cloud network may not have any idea that the intended cloud networks have already been exploited and every stored data can be misused without their knowledge. Therefore, you must consider hiring a cloud vulnerability management partner to learn about the flaws in the network.  

Hidden Cloud-Based Malware 

The hidden payload can be more destructive than other worms or viruses in the system. Cloud-based malware is known as persistent threat payload that sneak into the cloud networks and help cyber attackers execute their violating actions  

Cloud-based malware is exceedingly difficult to detect. That’s why business companies hire MSSPs to free them from the fatal attacks of cyber criminals. Users will be required to get help from an expert and proven cloud network threat scanning software to dictate this type of Advanced persistent threat.  

Untrustful Cloud Partner 

Yes! Your private, public, or hybrid partner can also be unreliable. In many cases, it is found that users face system breaches due to the weak cloud network offered by venerable partners.  

 Obtaining cloud computing services means acquiring data storage services and file-sharing assistance from third-party vendors. Therefore, while securing a cloud computing network you must choose your online partner wisely 

DOS Problem In Cloud Server 

The denial of service is a cyber-attack blasted by online pirates in order to force users to expose themselves. Moreover, it is a widespread practice of cyber attackers to find vulnerabilities in the cloud network of targeted companies and users.

You may face the scenarios of DOS attacks that can make your network vulnerable. So, in this situation, you should reach out to your cloud network-providing vendors and demand rapid troubleshooting, or just simply acquire free cloud network security consulting  

Cloud Password Hijacking 

Endpoints were never suitable devices for storing your important password credentials. Similarly, you can’t just shape your passwords so simple that every anonymous hacker can get it in a few guesses.  

Users will need to get help from password managers to save their account and cloud storage credentials from hijacking. Secondly, having a strong and complex password is also essential nowadays.  

Data Erase & Theft Without Your Knowledge 

In some cases, users’ data is erased without their approval or knowledge. As a common notification, this matter is taken as a system glitch. However, what if we tell you that this practice was a malicious act executed for data theft?  

Yes, we can’t take anonymous hackers as a joke. Because smart cyber-cybercriminals are more dangerous than our expectations. That’s why it is always better to switch to a trustworthy partner after facing data erase and theft situations.  

Internal Threats 

Human errors can occur at any time, and you can’t do anything about them except being extra careful next time. If it is your company that needs guidance about the danger of cloud network exploits or it’s just you, the right step of awareness should be taken for the sake of classified data.  

On many occasions, internal threats happen intentionally within the organization. So, by showing your attentive instincts you must handle things accordingly and reach out to cloud monitoring vendors for essential help.  

Weak Cloud Protection Software 

The cloud network can’t remain unprotected all the time and chances are clear that your public or private storage will have security software. Online available data can be stolen within minutes, and cloud computing service-providing vendors will surely have something to protect that classified data.  

Although having a cloud data protection system doesn’t mean that you are free from outer danger, as not every network defense system offers end-to-end encryption. So, you may end up having a cloud network with weak protection software.   

Xcitium’s Cloud Security Team Is Here To Help 

We have been here for decades and are still supporting businesses to secure their only presence. With our patented technologies and the magic of zero-trust cybersecurity posture, you can secure cloud computing without fearing any outer danger.  

Know your right to secure your digital assets, as we will never stop spreading the word about defending data from lethal cyber criminals. It’s not just the protection of the cloud network but safeguarding your digital presence. So, acknowledge the demand for our managed IT security services and reach out to us right now!  
